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Solid Reaffirmation to Humanize and see the Students in front of us. The Students stories are so powerful. The Teacher expressing her fear about the seniors leaving, crying and saying she hopes they all find people along the way to help them – I can and am that person to help on their journey.
This left me speechless. It was such a powerful and relevant topic and I can think of dozens of people that I want to share this with and will immediately.
As a single mother of 2 brown boys in the NYC school system, I want so much for them to have that sense of belonging from their school.
Definitely can see this being used as a district-wide professional development. I’m moved by the authentic testimonies of the students. I’m inspired by the dedication of the educators. I’m motivated by the professionals and their tireless dedication to their beliefs.
Awesome documentary with well thought out points of view. Needed a trigger warning as I was triggered when I saw myself in several of the young men.
The documentary has reenergized my soul!! This year has been especially difficult, and I often found myself asking, “Why? Why Do I Do This?” And, “Did I choose the Right Path?” This documentary has solidified that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
Extremely touching. Brought very real thoughts to the forefront.
Powerful, Moving … A documentary that should be shown to districts at the beginning of a school year and at the beginning of an effort to effect change in thinking and equity practices.
Defining US was a reflective tribute to the educational experience of many students. I was inspired by the recognition that, “We can create the culture!” I was also reminded that often, “Students have to be chameleons.” Relationships continue to make the greatest impact.
I’m so struck by the recurrence of the theme of love in the film. As educators, it’s easy sometimes to get caught up in policy or curriculum discussions that privilege a pursuit of objectivity, and lose or overlook the fundamental human need to love and be loved.